Latest Gossip WU

Published By: LGW Desk on May 27, 2024 06:43 AM (IST) | Publication:

Anupama: Unbelievable!! Vanraj supported Toshu’s chief tricks getting Anupama fired as chef

Anupama: Vanraj and Toshu planned and plotted against Anupama getting her fired from job


In the upcoming episodes of the most popular show Anupama the fans are going to see many twists and turns that will leave them amazed.

So far we have seen Anupama (Rupali Ganguli) getting framed in the Cockroach Biriyani case.

While the real culprit is still known everyone is certain that Toshu has done something behind the backs to let Anupama down.

After this Anuj comes to support Anupama while Yashdeep is angry that Anupama has given her time to Anuj while she knew the work load.

Seeing this Anupama gets tricked as she comes to the restaurant just to see the audience shouting to close the spice and chutney restaurant.

Vanraj and Toshu talk the situation out

Meanwhile Anupama gets a lot of hatred whereas Toshu enjoys the news of people mocking his mother Anupama.

Following the same Vanraj calls Toshu where they talk about the entire trouble for Anupama.

As it seems Vanraj is the real culprit behind everything while Toshu has implemented it.

Stay tuned and keep watching all the updates from TV to movies along with latest gossips WU for more updates coming.

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