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Submitted By: LGW Desk on June 15, 2024 03:58 PM (IST)

Anupama: Anupama shocks Shahs by bringing Tapish’s mother to his wedding

Anupama: Anupama shocks Shahs by bringing Tapish’s mother to his wedding


In the recent episodes of Anupama, we are witnessing that Anupama and Anuj’s life has changed drastically changed after they met in America after a huge gap of five years.

In the previous episodes we have seen that how Vanraj has been tracking Tapish and his past to find atleast one reason to cancel Dimpy’s marriage.

Although Vanraj’s intention is to only prove himself right in front of his family and Anupama but his concern was not wrong.

Anupama was aware that Vanraj is trying to do something but what, she was not sure and wanted to find out before it’s too late.

In the upcoming episodes we will see that Anupama will finally come to know about Tapish’s mother, whom he has been hiding from the whole world.

It will be interesting to see why Tapish has not introduced Dimpy to her mother?

Vanraj blames Anupama  

In the previous episodes we have seen that Vanraj has been planning to bring Tapish’s mother in the marriage.

Now that Anupama will bring her and will introduce her t whole family, Vanraj’s plan will get spoilt and he will start blaming Anupama of being in Tapish’s team.

In the upcoming episodes we will see that Anupama will not introduce Tapish’s mother but also unveil the painful past they had.

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