Star Plus's recently launched show Maathi Se Bandhi Dor is still trying to reach the list of the favourite shows of the audience. The show is witnessing many interesting twists and turns.
Recently we have seen that Ranvijay tells Vaiju that there is something wrong with her and that's why she keeps getting into troubles again and again.
However Vaiju tells him that she does not want to do so but at Times they get attracted to her and they both Laughs about it. Jaya gets Upset.
The Story takes an interesting turn when Jaya is not Happy with whatever is happening around her and how Ranvijay is relying on Vaiju more.
Ranvijay does not want to make Jaya feel left out but no matter what, Jaya feels alone and unwanted by his behaviour.
In the upcoming episodes we will get to see Ranvijay Warns Vaiju to Stay in Limits with him and lashes out at her. Vaiju gets Embarassed and feels Humiliated with his Behaviour and Words.
What will happen Next? What will Vaiju do now against Jaya? Let's see what happens in the upcoming episodes.
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