Udne Ki Aasha has been recently launched on Star Plus and the show is taking slow steps towards the top of the trp chart. The show is being loved for its freshness.
Recently we have seen that Akash tells Riya that he is scared about what must be Happening in their House to which Riya gets irritated with him.
However Riya tells Akash that she wants to bring Coffee for him to make him feel Better and goes to make Coffee for him. He is not able to be Happy.
The story takes an interesting turn when Riya tells Akash to Enjoy this Phase with her to which he refuses to do so and shares his Worries with her.
Akash tells her that he wants to take care of this issue to which Riya gets Furious with him and Leaves from there.
In the upcoming episodes we will get to see Sachin decides to Divorce Sayali to Punish for The Mistake which she has not even done. Sayali gets Hurt and Heart Broken with his Behaviour.
What will happen Next? What will Sayali and Sachin Do Next? Let's see what happens in the upcoming episodes.
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