Colors TV'S recently launched show has created a buzz. The show is Titled Megha Barsenge and has Neil Bhatt a renowned Actor in the Lead Role alongside Neha Rana and Kinshuk Mahajan.
Recently We have seen that Megha tells Emily that she is doing wrong with her and requests her to free her to which Emily Warns her to Eat The Food.
However they hear the door Bell Ring because of which Emily covers her Mouth and Manoj opens the Door and gets shocked seeing Arjun there.
The Story takes an interesting turn when Arjun asks Manoj where is Megha right now and tells her that he wants to Meet her. Manoj refuses.
Manoj tells him that he has already Created a huge Misunderstanding between him and Megha. He asks him to Leave.
In the upcoming Episodes we will get to see Megha gets scared with whatever has happened with her and Begs Arjun to take her Back to India to which Arjun Hugs Megha to Console her.
What will happen Next? What will Megha do? Will Megha get Successful? Let's see what happens in the upcoming episodes.
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