Colors TV has managed to launch another series with the Title Megha Barsenge and the show has created Buzz.
It was shown that Megha tells Arjun that he is wanting to get Intimate with her but she is not ready for such a thing and gets Furious at him for his Actions.
However Arjun asks her how it is possible to be Together but not have a physical Relationship and asks her to be Physical with him.
The Interesting turn in The Story arrives when Arjun asks Megha whether she was thinking that he will say such a thing to her and asks her whether she thinks so Low of him.
Megha Lashes Out at Arjun for Marrying Her without her Wish and tells him that he has Hurt her with his Actions. She says that she is not Happy.
The Upcoming Episodes will witness that Arjun has Vile Intentions behind getting Married to Megha and he wants Revenge for whatever has done Wrong.
What will happen Next?
What will Arjun do?
Let's See what happens in the Next Episodes?
Stay Tuned to
Megha Barsenge: Arjun Promises to Bring Megha Out of The Tro...
Megha Barsenge: Megha Gets Manoj Beaten Up for his Behaviour...
Megha Barsenge: Manoj Demands Five Crores to Stop Hurting Me...
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