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Published By: LGW Desk on January 21, 2017 05:35 PM (IST) | Publication:

Udaan: Suraj's heroic entry to save Chakor from Kamal Narayan

Udaan: Sooraj (Vijendra Kumaeria) heroic entry to save Chakor from Kamal Narayan


Colors applauded show Udaan is showcasing a new drama in Chakor and Sooraj's life against Kamal Narayan.

Kamal Narayan has already tortured a lot to Chakor and Suraj and he even threw bucket of water on Chakor for biting his hands and also kept Suraj on hunger strike for many days.

Suraj's saves Chakor from goons

Kamal Narayan's goons tease Chakor and they take out her dupatta seeing which Suraj loose his cool and come out like a hero by breaking all chains to protect and safeguard Chakor.

Suraj's herpic entry yelling in despair at Kamal Narayan will be interesting to watch.

Stay tuned for more details.

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