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Published By: LGW Desk on February 03, 2017 07:56 AM (IST) | Publication:

Udaan: Chakor's counter attack over Kamal Narayan for Sooraj

Udaan: Chakor (Meera Deosthale) to turn Sooraj's (Vijyendra Kumeria) savior against Kamal Narayan's evil plan 


The upcoming episode of Colors popular daily soap Udaan will showcase major drama amid Chakor and Kamal Narayan.

Kamal Narayan has made Sooraj a bandhua and is torturing him to all the extent, Sooraj gets ready to bend before Kamal Narayan.

Chakor has convinced Sooraj to bend before Kamal Narayan as she wants Sooraj to have food and be healthy to fight against Kamal Narayan.

Kamal Narayan leaves no stone unturned to torture and create trouble for Sooraj, Kamal Narayan even instigates villagers against Sooraj.

Kamal Narayan and Chakor's face off 

Villagers gets aggressive over Sooraj and throws him inside the well, Sooraj being weak couldn't come out of it.

Kamal Narayan enjoys while no villager is willing to help Sooraj, Chakor thus jumps inside the well to help Sooraj.

Chakor is now ready to fight against Kamal Narayan for love Sooraj and to get Sooraj out of Kamal Narayan's clutches.

Stay tuned for more exciting updates of the upcoming episodes.

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