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Published By: LGW Desk on February 04, 2017 11:29 AM (IST) | Publication:

Udaan update: Chakor Sooraj's love strength against Kamal Narayan

Udaan: Chakor and Sooraj (Vijyendra Kumeria) uses their love to defeat Kamal Narayan (Sai Ballal)


The upcoming episode of Colors popular daily soap Udaan will show major drama in Azadganj.

Kamal Narayan is again in powers and has captivated Sooraj making him hia bandhua, Kamal Narayan is taking revenge from Sooraj.

Kamal Narayan's evilness doesn't end here but keep Sooraj starving to make him bend before him infront of whole village.

Sooraj refuses to bend before Kamal Narayan even though he starves to death, Chakor thus comes as Sooraj's savior.

Chakor and Sooraj's love power

Chakor asks Sooraj to accept her defeat and forgetting ego as it's important for him to stay alive to defeat Kamal Narayan.

Chakor even endangers her life saving Sooraj from well where villagers has thrown Sooraj into as Kamal Narayan has instigated them.

Stay tuned for more exciting updates of the upcoming episodes.

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