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Prithvi Vallabh Latest gossip, future story, Latest News spoiler and upcoming twist

Prithvi Vallabh: Show ends on a happy note with Mrinal Prithvi’s marriage ending Malwa Manyakheta enmity

Prithvi Vallabh: Prithvi (Ashish Sharma) and Mrinal (Sonarika Bhadoria) marriage end Malwa Manyakheta enmity Sony TV’s classical show Prithvi Vallabh that pictures historic saga of love and war has ended its ...

Prithvi Vallabh: Mrinal captivated by Mahmud for attacking Ghazni

Prithvi Vallabh: Prithvi (Ashish Sharma) feel lonely and broken without Mrinal (Sonarika Bhadoria) Sony TV’s classical show Prithvi Vallabh that pictures historic saga of love and war is up with some ...

Prithvi Vallabh: Prithvi worried as Mrinal enter enemies den as a dancer

Prithvi Vallabh: Mrinal (Sonarika Bhadoria) tells Prithvi (Ashish Sharma) to allow her decide as the senapati Sony TV’s classical show Prithvi Vallabh that pictures historic saga of love and war is ...

Prithvi Vallabh: Mrinal leave for Malwa accepting Prithvi’s love

Prithvi Vallabh: Prithvi (Ashish Sharma) boost Mrinal (Sonarika Bhadoria) confidence by appointing her as senapati Sony TV’s classical show Prithvi Vallabh that pictures historic saga of love and war is up ...

Prithvi Vallabh: Tailap take away Mrinal throne to save Satyashrah

Prithvi Vallabh: Prithvi’s (Ashish Sharma) apologize to Mrinal (Sonarika Bhadoria) for the kissing Sony TV’s classical show Prithvi Vallabh that pictures historic saga of love and war is up with some ...

Prithvi Vallabh: Mrinal to fulfil Prithvi’s last wish of hanging him to death

Prithvi Vallabh: Mrinal (Sonarika Bhadoria) infuriated to see her and Prithvi (Ashish Sharma) sculpture Sony TV's classical show Prithvi Vallabh that pictures historic saga of love and war is up with ...