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Published By: LGW Desk on May 11, 2018 08:18 AM (IST) | Publication:

Naamkaran: Neil Avni and Mogli's bucket list fulfilled with happy The End

Naamkaran: Neil Avni and Mogli's bucket list fulfilled with happy The End


Star Plus popular show Naamkaran is showcasing interesting twist and turn with custody battle in Neil (Zain Imam) and Avni’s (Mogli) life for Mogli.

It seems Neil finally manages to get the custody but also gets upset for Avni’s loss.

However, Neil leaves Avni in this tough time but Avni showcases being strong on face value where she is completely broken deep inside losing out all the loved ones from her life.

Moving ahead, Neil will fail to take care of Mogli where Neil will seek Avni’s help.

Neil will finally realise that Avni is the only one who will keep Mogli, Neil and entire Khanna family members happy.

Neil bends before Avni asking her to accept him

Neil will thus come out of his guilt and will apologize before Avni for hurting her.

Further, Neil will bend before Avni and request her to accept him wholeheartedly in her life.

Thus the show will witness happy ending with Neil Avni and Mogli’s bucket list getting fulfilled.

Stay tuned for more exciting updates.

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