In Star Plus television show Pandya Store, Pandya are facing DOHRI GAAJ of troubles with Sweta comeback from Jail and Dhara's surgery of kidney transplant failing badly.
Due to Chutki aka Natasha crying for Sweta, Krish has to kneel amidst family desicion to release Sweta.
Meanwhile due to delay in surgery Dhara's conditions are failing badly.
Because of complications in surgery Dhara is soon to become victim of death.
Pandyas will be seen repenting their mistake of blaming everything on Dhara even when she was completely innocent.
Gautam will balme Krish for delay in bringing Sweta.
Dhara in serial Pandya Store latest promo is shown becoming completely breathless and pulseless left with no hope to survive.
But soon in the upcoming story Dhara will be back to life.
As per the Spoilers crying Gaumi is about to bring Dhara back to life.
But Chutki's conditions still would be critical where Sweta will be also seen tensed for Chutki.
Who do you think is at the fault here in such conditions of Dhara?
This is about to bring a much entertainning plot to the story so stay tuned.
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