Latest Gossip WU

Published By: LGW Desk on April 02, 2024 09:27 AM (IST) | Publication:

Anupama fame Sudhanshu Pandey shares the talks from old days of struggle with cutest caption

Anupama: Vanraj AKA Sudhanshu Pandey shares his journey from being struggler to getting shows


The Star Plus show Anupama has never left any chance to surprise the fans with the stellar drama and entertainment buzzes continuing.

With the recent episodes, Anupama is working hard to bring her restaurant back to life.

At the same time Vanraj keeps poking Anupama for sending her son Toshu to jail for his crimes.

After which Vanraj hears the next step that Anupama is taking with her wish to win Superstar chef.

As Vanraj’s mocking for Anupama and his anger attitude is loved by the fans, Sudhanshu Pandey has shared how he used to be back in the days.

Sudhanshu shares old pic

In the recent posts, Sudhanshu has shared an old pic when he was 19 years of old and was struggling with survival wish and aiming something big.

Sudhanshu asks his fans to recognise him in the pic as he calls himself Nanha Munna that the fans are adoring and respecting how Sudhanshu has come so far in his journey.

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